West Tampa Elementary School Achieves an A Grade!

West Tampa Elementary School, a Title 1 Renaissance School, has accomplished something extraordinary: an A grade! In a community where 90% of the students live in poverty, this achievement is nothing short of a “Super Bowl” victory.
So, how did this happen? We asked Kevin Kastner, WTE Principal who said, “There were many factors at play, but one of the most significant was the involvement of PrimeGroup Insurance.”
Five years ago, Ed Ellsasser participated in the CEO’s in Schools program through the CEO Council of Tampa Bay, where he was paired with West Tampa Elementary School. Typically, CEOs who participate in this program visit the school once and move on. But that wasn’t the case with Ed. He has been fully invested from day one—he’s a true philanthropist who has consistently backed up his words with action. He’s contributed money, time, and encouragement, and has even provided systems and structures for his employees to give back. As Kevin Kastner puts it, “Ed is an inspiration, a true leader who makes us all better.”
However, like many things, the partnership faced challenges during Covid. In 2020, West Tampa Elementary was just four points away from receiving an F—a failing grade. The situation was dire, and quick action was needed.

Once the worst of the pandemic had passed, Ed and the PGI team jumped back in to help in every way they could. They worked to create a first-class environment that instilled a sense of pride in the students. Projects like Campus Beautification Days were designed to give the children a clean and welcoming environment, which in turn, boosted their academic performance. nd highlight that we did more than just pick up trash and weeds. We did major landscaping projects which revamped common areas around campus as well as painted inside and outside the school to bring fun colors and life into the spaces. As Kevin Kastner said, “If people care about the little things, the big things take care of themselves.”

PGI also helped build a strong relationship with the community, promoting a positive and public message about the school. They gave their time and resources generously, attending PTA meetings, events, and supporting field trips to enrich the students’ experiences. PGI’s presence made the faculty feel respected and valued, which inspired them to perform at their best. This partnership played a crucial role in West Tampa Elementary’s journey to becoming an A school.
Achieving an A grade has brought positive attention to the school. It has earned the trust of the district and credibility in the community. But maintaining this A will require continued Herculean efforts but it CAN be done.
PGI’s commitment is to help keep West Tampa Elementary an A school. We will continue to support the students and staff academically, socially, and emotionally. If you feel inspired to help, here are many ways to get involved or please reach out to Mrs. Dulce Cruz Liriano at 214630@hcps.net or 813-272-5200.