Eating Healthy This Year


If you’re like many people, you may have resolved to eat better and healthier in 2019. But again, if you’re like most of us, you’ve probably resolved this before…and may have already fallen off the wagon.

Sticking to a diet long-term is one of life’s major challenges, especially as debate rages on about what constitutes healthy eating.

If you want to make this year different, here’s what experts advise:

  • Write a list of your reasons for eating healthy and read it every day
  • Eat slowly. Sit down and mindfully focus on the taste and experience.
  • Involve another person as an ally. Tell them what you want to do and report back to them.
  • Regardless of the diet you pursue, allow yourself one favorite indulgence daily.
  • Have a set plan for meals and eat only when it’s time.

There’s more to it than that, of course. Psychologist Judith Beck discusses the challenge in more detail. Good luck!

Even if you’re not changing your eating habits, January is a good time to review your financial health including insurance protection. When you’re ready to do this, please get in touch.