How to Survive the Unexpected

person pointing to a graph

Disaster strikes. Your business receives a sucker punch you didn’t see coming. What do you do?

That depends on many things but the extent to which you prepared for it will almost certainly make a big difference to how you ride the storm.

That’s why, when we talk to clients about risk management, we stress the importance of having a business continuity plan.

This doesn’t have to be anything fancy but it should be the result of thinking about all the angels about what you would do in various scenarios where your business is knocked sideways.

It’s about creating a series of what-ifs and knowing the answers. What if a key supplier goes bust? What if your computer system is hacked? And so on.

We found a great overview for you on the business intelligence website See it here:

A key element of your thinking, of course, should be insurance against business disruption and cyber attacks. If this is something we need to talk about, please get in touch. or 844-631-4901