BEWARE: Phishing Emails


Cyber attacks are on the rise and it’s everyone’s job to protect from unwanted attacks. One of the most common cyber attacks is Phishing Emails. Phishing is defined as the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. This is an example of a phishing email:








A few tips to ensure email security:

  1. You need to carefully look at every one of your emails to ensure it’s something you should open or a link you should click on. If you are not expecting an email from someone, chances are it’s a phishing email.
  2. Any email you receive like this should be marked as junk. Simply right click the message, select junk, then block sender. If you need help with this, ask your manager.
  3. Please stay vigilant and report anything suspicious. See something, say something.

Another recent twist to an old scam is when company’s email a phony invoice showing that you’ve recently bought music or apps from them. The email tells you to click on a link if you did not authorize the purchase. Stop – do not click on the link.

You can report phishing emails and texts by forwarding them to

It’s not just large company’s that are at risk — small ones are too! If you’d like a no-hassle #cyber #insurance quote, please contact us today: