7 Signs of Brake Danger

person pushing a car

Some of us spend hours in our vehicle in one day. Safety of your vehicle is very important especially when it comes to the breaks. Here are 7 signs of brake danger.

  1. Screeching or grinding signals worn pads. Not replacing them could cause damage to other components.
  2. Pulling to one side suggests a brake component issue.
  3. Low pedal pressure can be an early warning of impending brake failure.
  4. Having to press hard on the pedal is another warning sign of trouble ahead.
  5. Watch out for sudden brake engagement when you touch the pedal lightly. Component problems are likely the cause.
  6. Vibrations through the pedal on braking suggests pads are reaching the end.
  7. If the dashboard brake light comes on, suspect problems with the anti-lock system.

Brakes can make the difference between life and death. Please take care to check yours are working properly.

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