4 Tips for Efficient Meetings

people in office
We’ve all been there — a meeting that never ends, eyes glazed over and no real takeaways. Chalk it up as another meeting that could have been an email!Meetings are necessary and can be productive when they stay on track. Here are 4 tips to keep meetings efficient and effective:

1. Plan.
Take your time to plan out the meeting and put an agenda together. Meetings without an agenda are a waste of time there is no way to keep your meeting on track.
2. Stick to the agenda.
Don’t let your meetings get off track cover one point at a time. If someone gets off track it is your job as the person running the meeting to reel them in and keep them on track.
3. Short and sweet.
Keep the meeting brief and relevant. Don’t just have meetings to have meetings. I would rather have more meetings that are shorter than one long two hour meeting. You start to lose people with these longer meetings.
4. Follow up.
Always follow up your meeting with an email outlining who is to do what based on your meeting. This will hold people accountable for their action items. Be sure to cover the follow up first before you get into the agenda of your next meeting.
How do you and your team keep meetings productive? We’d love to hear your tips in the comments section below!
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