Why Taking the High Road Pays Off


7386d5_88eeeccea7a64e6ebb6fb20a8a993403.jpgWe asked Jason Caras, Co-CEO of IT Authorities to be our guest blogger this month. His business, work ethic and involvement in the community exemplify the Prime Group Insurance values. Here are Jason’s thoughts on taking the high road especially as you become more successful:

It’s harder to take the high road
It’s easier to let your mind react accordingly
It’s harder to exceed your own expectations
It’s easier to lie to ourselves and confuse activity with accomplishment
It’s harder to focus on your health when consuming products
It’s easier to let the food chemical concoction pull you by your nose
It’s harder to craft goals, reverse engineer them to identify what you have to do on a daily basis to achieve them and actually do them consistently
It’s easier to not pay attention to your own performance and have no accountability
It’s harder to let yourself become vulnerable
It’s easier to play hardened
It’s harder to put complete strangers before you
It’s easier to make sure you “get what’s yours”
It’s harder to be perpetually self-aware
It’s easier to become a viewer of your own movie and not the director
The high road represents what most people are unwilling to do to achieve whatever it is that they most desire. The low road, is well, low. Choose appropriately.
When more people than not are living purposeful, driven, healthy, excited, motivated, happy and fulfilled lives, the world reality will change into an environment of growing and evolving psychological maturity with numerous life and “existence” benefits.
What ways have you taken the high road? We’d love for you to share in the comments section below. If you’d like to be a guest blogger on our website please contact Molly Ebert atmolly@primegroupins.com