Why Business Partnerships WORK!

We asked Vick Tipnes to be our guest blogger this month. His business, work ethic and involvement in the community exemplifies the PrimeGroup Insurance values. Vick is someone to know in the community. Here is a little about him:

My name is Vick Tipnes and I am the founder and CEO of Blackstone Medical Services, a national home sleep testing company based in Tampa, Florida. My company tests patients in their home for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This horrible condition is traditionally tested by having the patient sleep in a hospital overnight or in a sleep lab. Our technology combined with exceptional service allows for the same test to be done in the comfort of your own home, versus staying overnight somewhere else, and it’s easier and less expensive.
After meeting Ed Ellsasser with PrimeGroup, we realized very quickly that it was a great fit. Ed is very knowledgable about the healthcare space. And being in the healthcare space, your dealing with peoples lives and well being, and the level of risk goes up. So it’s very important to have someone that first understands your space, and second can help you mitigate any potential risks that could potential occur. It’s always better to be over prepared than under prepared in these cases. Piece of mind knowing that you have the proper representation is priceless.
If you’d like to be featured as a monthly guest blogger or would like your company highlighted in the PGI blog please email Molly Ebert at:Molly@primegroupins.com